The First GEEKCTF (Static Archive)


GEEKCTF: Online, Jeopardy style CTF for individual security enthusiasts.


April 5th, 20:00 ~ April 14th, 20:00, 2024 (SGT, UTC+8)


The top 50 80 student contestants will win free tickets to GEEKCON 2024 International, May 25th ~ 26th, Singapore.

The top 5 student contestants will be awarded prizes on site.

Score and Ranking

Each challenge contains at least one flag. Players get scored by submitting correct flags.

Flag Format: flag{this_is_a_sample_flag}

The score of each challenge will be dynamically calculated according to the number of solved players.

Final ranking is determined by the total score of each player.

In case of a tie, the player that used less time on solving challenges ranks higher.

Contest rules

1. It is not allowed for players to cooperate or discuss the challenges during the contest.

2. It is not allowed to play with multiple accounts.

3. It is not allowed to attack the contest's infrastructure. Please report to us any flaws founded in the infrastructure.

4. Top players are required to submit a detailed writeup of solved problems before awarding prizes.

5. Players breaking rules may be penalized or excluded from the contest.

6. The GEEKCTF committee reserve the right of final interpretation for the contest rules.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the staff in Discord